About Me

Hi, I am Sefa Burak OKCU :wave:,

I’m currently working as a Deep Learning Engineer who designs algorithms for Computer Vision problems. In addition, I’ve completed Master of Science in Cognitive Science Department at Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi(ODTÜ) recently.

I love learning new things and sharing them with others. That is why I started a blog. I am improving myself in Deep Learning and Software Engineering, I will share my experience here. Also, I will add some tutorials and projects which are based on Deep Learning.

If you have any question or want to learn about me, you can reach me on linkedin.

Software/Deep Learning Engineer, Aselsan Inc.

July, 2018 — present

-Designing resource constraint high-performance Deep Learning algorithms for object detection, attribute analysis
-Following state-of-the-art algorithms and publishing research papers and patents
-Writing documents for products and software
-Working on full ML pipeline(from preparing dataset to deploying/monitoring ML models)
-Utilizing Elasticsearch, Kibana, Flask for deploying algorithms for production
-Containerizing applications using Docker

Master of Science in Cognitive Science, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi(ODTÜ)

September, 2020 — January, 2023

-Studied on Multi-task Learning(MTL) and Continual Learning(CL)
-Designed a MTL model for face detection and facial landmark extraction
-Compared different CL methods for face analysis tasks such as age, gender, emotion, and face recognition
-Thesis:"Brain-inspired learning for face analysis in artificial neural networks:A multitask and continual learning framework"

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi(ODTÜ)

September, 2013 — June, 2018

-Specialization Field-Control Area
-Additional Courses:Data Structures, Introduction to Computer Networks

Undergraduate Student Researcher, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi(ODTÜ)

March, 2016 — March, 2018

-Automated Attendance System Using Face Recognition
-Developed an automated attendance system by using face recognition using Tensorflow
-Deep Learning based algorithms for face recognition
-Applied different data augmentations for imitating real-life scenes
-Developed a software product for users such as professors

Engineering Intern, Aselsan Inc.

June, 2017 — July, 2017

-Compared different face detection algorithms
-Analyzed different datasets for face detection task
-Tested different algorithms and presented to the team
-Documented results and software